Overstich Endoscopic Gastric Sleeve | OverStitch without cuts/scars

A revolutionary endoscopic procedure for weight loss

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Procedure description

Overstich Endoscopic Gastric Sleeve | OverStitch without cuts/scars

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Obesity has become a major global epidemic and is a significant contributor to morbidity and mortality worldwide.
The consequences of obesity are severe and not controversial. Obesity leads to an increased risk of comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, certain types of cancer (such as breast, colon and endometrial cancer) and fatty liver, which are the leading preventable causes of death in adults.

An endoscopic sleeve is a weight loss procedure performed by an endoscopic suturing device to reduce the size of the stomach. The procedure reproduces what happens in gastric sleeve surgery, although without the need for surgery, without excision of the stomach, without external incisions and without scars.

This procedure is ideal for patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more and for those in whom diet and exercise alone did not work.
Since the procedure is minimally invasive, there is a reduced risk of complications. In addition to weight loss, the endoscopic procedure can also lower blood sugar and even lead to recovery from type 2 diabetes, as well as the procedure may solve other serious weight-related problems.

The usual bariatric procedure included the removal of a significant part of the volume of the stomach (70%-80%) and left a small stomach with stitches reminiscent of sleeve shape, hence the name - bariatric sleeve.

Okay, so how is the Overstitch endoscopic procedure different and what is the gospel?
Glad you asked..

What is Overstitch?

Overstitch is a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure that involves suturing the stomach from the inside to reduce its size, leading to weight loss. This procedure is carried out using an endoscope, a thin and flexible tube with a camera and a sewing device attached to it. The endoscope is inserted through the mouth and into the stomach, allowing the surgeon to see and stitch the stomach from the inside.
Hundreds of patients in Israel and tens of thousands of patients around the world have undergone the procedure successfully.
The procedure is approved by the Ministry of Health and approved by the FDA.

The Technology Behind Overstitch

The technology behind Overstitch is quite advanced, the device has existed in the world since 2016. It includes an endoscopic suturing system that allows Dr. Vosko to place stitches in the stomach wall without the need for external incisions. The system consists of a sewing device, a needle and a camera that provides the gastroenterologist with a clear view of the stomach. This technology allows for more precise stitching and reduces the risk of complications.

Clinical data show that Overstitch is an effective solution for weight loss, in a study published by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

The advantages of Overstitch over classic bariatric procedures

Overstitch offers several advantages over classic bariatric procedures, such as gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy.

  • Overstitch does not involve cutting or removing any part of the stomach, making it a safer and less invasive procedure.
  • The procedure reduces the volume of the stomach by about 60%.
  • Overstitch has a lower risk of complications, such as infection and bleeding, compared to classic bariatric procedures.
  • The procedure is performed without external cuts or scars and in fact leaves the patient without any signs whatsoever.
  • Overstitch has a shorter downtime, and patients can usually go home the next day.
  • Unlike the classic bariatric procedure - the Overstitch procedure is a reversible procedure, that is, if the patient wishes after several years to open the stitches - it is quite possible.


Overstitch's recovery time is relatively short compared to classic bariatric procedures. Most people can resume their normal activities within a few days of the procedure. However, you should avoid strenuous physical activity and heavy lifting for at least a week after the procedure. You will also need to follow a liquid diet for a few days after the procedure and then gradually switch to solid foods over the next few weeks.

Who qualifies for Overstitch?

  • Patients who do not wish to undergo surgical surgery  
  • Patients who cannot undergo a surgical procedure
  • Patients after endoscopic cuff surgery or mini-bypass surgery who have regained weight due to recurrent stomach dilation
  • Gastric bypass patients suffering from weight regain and/or dumping syndrome

However, not all of them are suitable for Overstitch. People who have a history of gastrointestinal surgery(other than a previous bariatric sleeve), ulcers, or other stomach conditions may not be suitable for the procedure.

It is possible to determine suitability for the procedure only after consultation with a specialist gastroenterologist, approval of a dietitian.

We will build you an organized weight loss plan that will help ensure long-term success and permanent weight loss, including support before, during and after the operation.

How is the procedure performed?

Before the procedure, anesthesia will be given by an anesthesiologist to ensure that the procedure is performed comfortably and painlessly. Dr. Vosko will then insert the endoscope through the mouth into the abdomen. Once the endoscope is positioned and a clear view of the stomach is achieved, Dr. Vosko will use the suturing device to stitch the stomach from the inside, reducing its size. The procedure usually takes between 60 and 90 minutes, and the patient can go home the next day.

Overstich endoscopic gastric sleeve

Test preparation

Preparation for treatment

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Overstich endoscopic gastric sleeve

After treatment

After checking

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Overstich Endoscopic Gastric Sleeve | OverStitch without cuts/scars


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Overstich Endoscopic Gastric Sleeve | OverStitch without cuts/scars
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