Sigmoidoscopy test

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Important Testing for Colon Health

Sigmoidoscopy is an important medical examination that allows doctors to examine the lower part of the colon (colon) and rectum. This test is used to diagnose diseases of the lower digestive tract and prevent colon cancer.

What is sigmoidoscopy?

Sigmoidoscopy is performed using a flexible, thin instrument called a sigmoidoscope, which is equipped with a tiny camera. The doctor inserts the device through the anus to examine the lower part of the colon, including the sigma and rectum.

What is sigmoidoscopy used for?

  • A sigmoidoscopy is used to diagnose problems in the large intestine, such as inflammations, ulcers or tumors.
  • Also for early detection of polyps that may develop into cancer.
  • Clarifying symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea or rectal bleeding.
  • Follow-up of patients with a history of inflammatory bowel disease.

Benefits of Sigmoidoscopy

  • Quick and efficient check-in.
  • Does not usually require anesthesia.
  • A sigmoidoscopy enables accurate diagnosis of problems in the lower colon.
  • A sigmoidoscopy can prevent the development of colon cancer.

When should you perform a sigmoidoscopy?

  • Starting at the age of 50, it is recommended to undergo the sigmoidoscopy examination as part of periodic screening tests.
  • At any age if there are suspicious symptoms.
  • For patients with a family history of bowel disease.
  • More frequently for high-risk patients.


Sigmoidoscopy is an important test for colon health.
If you are unsure whether the test is right for you, consult your doctor.

Procedure description

Sigmoidoscopy test

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  • The test takes about 15-20 minutes.
  • You will be asked to lie on your left side.
  • The doctor will insert the sigmoidoscope gently and place it in the area to be examined.
  • You may experience mild discomfort or tightness in your stomach – this is normal.


Test preparation

Preparation for treatment

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  • Be sure to follow a liquid diet the day before the test.
  • Prepare the intestine with an enema or laxatives.
  • Fasting for at least 6 hours before the test.
  • Inform Dr. Vosko about medications you are taking and background conditions.


After treatment

After checking

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Sigmoidoscopy test


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Sigmoidoscopy test
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